Friday, September 05, 2003

My OTHER problem right now has to do with the typical student preferring to complain instead of dispute. I said something the other night at the all student meeting for my dorm that gave offense to some students, not because it was in any way offensive, but because the students in question don't know that the word "cardinal" in conjunction with "virtues" has nothing whatsoever to do with those men in the bright red, silk pyjamas, and that 5,000ish years ago marks the beginning of recorded civilization, and the Hamurabic code, not simply the birth of Judaism. But only one student, and bless him for it since he is on my dorm's staff, bothered to come speak to me about the concern. The others merely took offense that I was proselytizing, and will no doubt complain about religious harassment at some point. The Dean's office will (if history is any guide) issue me a stern warning without bothering to take interest in the fact that the complaint-lodgers have no legs to stand on, and rest only on lazy asses. But if that happens, I think I can probably get some good coverage in the student newspapers.


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